- Each day one student will present the commonly confused words, explain their actual meanings, and provide sample sentences for each word.
- A log will be kept in the notes and students will have to create their own example sentences at the end of each day's presentations.
- Quizzes will be given on a bi-weekly basis, and notebooks will be checked during those quizzes.
- Incomplete/missing notebooks or failed quizzes will result in mandatory One Lunch attendance to complete the notebook and pass the quiz.
1. amount / number 2. already / all ready 3. beside / besides 4. cite / sight / site 5. complement / compliment 6. credible / creditable / credulous 7. connote / denote 8. desert / dessert 9. elicit / illicit 10. everyday / every day & everyone / every one 11. farther / further 12. fewer / less 13. good / well 14. imply / infer 15.. its / it's 16. judicial / judicious 17. lie / lay 18, lead / led 19. lose / loose 20, manner / manor 21. oral / verbal 22. past / passed 23. pore / pour 24. principle / principal 25. then / than 26. they're / their / there 27. two / to / too 28. weather / whether 29. were / we're / where 30. who / that / which 31. who / whom & who's / whose 32. you're / your
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